//Grandmother Time – podcast

Grandmother Time – podcast

Interviews with Grandmothers

Grandmothers openly share their personal experiences as a grandchild and grandmother. Some stories are emotional and some are funny – all are memorable.

We also discuss how grandmothers are conveyed. Interestingly, it appears that as a society, that they are often depicted as an old grey/white-haired lady who sits in a rocking chair and wear glasses. We discuss what’s in a name, and our grandmothers are given a chance to describe themselves.

Grandmothers are often pivotal in supporting their families, benefiting the parents and grandchildren. We discuss this and more with our grandmothers.

Links to the podcasts here:

Grandmother Time with Grace

Grandmother Time with Carol

Grandmother Time with Pam

Grandmother Time with Monica

Grandmother Time with Debbie

Grandmother Time with Panya

Grandmother Time with Tamika

Grandmother Time with Janet

Grandmother Time with Ndinda

©2021 Sharon RM Stevens