

Sharon is a writer, primary school teacher, proud mother and grandmother. She has a MA in Creative Writing (with Publishing) from the University of Derby. She has been writing for some time, have had several pieces of work in print and published her first book – Oscar the Curious Cat in 2015, which is available at: AmazonBlackwell’s, Foyles and Waterstones.

NES East Midlands New Entrepreneur of The Year

In 2008 she was the winner of NES East Midlands New Entrepreneur of the year. Later, she was a nominee for Partnership Council Awards and the Nottingham Evening Post Awards.

Sharon Stevens  was a board member of  Tuntum Housing Association and a vice-chair at subcommittee level for nine years. She was also a former board member of Faith in Families and a CPS Community Panel member.

Up until April 2015, she was CEO and founder of Model Behaviour, a social enterprise that encouraged up to 1000 children to do their best and managed over 70 volunteers. Whilst doing this, she also took part in many other community-based projects.

Sharon is passionate about encouraging children to do their best so, after a few challenges she decided it was time to pursue her own dream. The publication of her first book, Oscar The Curious Cat, is the beginning of that dream.

Community Support

Sharon continues to support many community-based charities, for example Friends and Bredrins (FAB). FAB is a cancer support and self-help charity based in Nottingham, aimed towards helping Caribbean and African men, as well as other ethnic groups. ‘If we can help just one person to make a difference in that someone’s life, by providing that essential support you want or need, then all the time and effort we put in is worth it.’ – FAB.

“The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.” – Maya Angelou

© 2022 Sharon RM Stevens